Thursday, February 7, 2008

Alt Reality.

Alt reality.
Originally uploaded by art progress
The Best Friends posted below was my first go at drawing this couple. I decided that drawing them again would be a worthwhile exercise. This time I drew them in red felt.

They still look like two people shaking hands, but the guy on the left looks like Ralph Klein. Maybe I'm trying to say that in this Alternative Reality, destiny had long ago manifested itself across the continent, with the power shifting North. Where the Conservative, but not bat-shit crazy Republican Conservative, former Alberta premier presided over the land.

Why doesn't manifest destiny ever come up on our part? It's a stupid idea (like the North American Union), but maybe in this Alternative Reality they're all out there looking out for each other's best interests, not only their own. Fuckin' liberal socialists!

Alt Reality. Felt on paper. Blake Betteridge 2007.

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