Thursday, February 7, 2008

Best Friends.

Best friends.
Originally uploaded by art progress
I love newspapers. I love their smell. The way they feel. Their good fair reputable voice. So it's probably natural that at some point I would turn to them for inspiration. At this point, I did.

Here is a picture of the Number One Banana of the Free World and his friend, the Inscrutable Vladimir Putin, here together sharing a warm moment. I find their relationship interesting as I see them acting so warmly to each other when I think it's inevitable that (some time soon), their two countries will find their power balance teetered totter's way, and with it, regretful military engagement. I just think that America's fight to retain world supremacy and influence will be as fierce and terrifying as fierce and terrifying can be. More so if it is forced to fight from it's back. A corner it seems to have apparently painted itself into.

Anyway here's a picture of them. I shouldn't worry. Once you've looked into someones soul. I mean really looked into their soul, like GWB has with his Inscrutable friend Vladimir here. You can clearly judge their intentions, and their word is probably very trustworthy. Just like yours is, George.

Best Friends: Ink on Paper. Blake Betteridge 2007

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