Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pelicans and Duck


This is one of my first drawings. I think it's maybe my third drawing. The first two are tucked away somewhere in one of Kaylin's journals. It's from April 5th, 2007 and it's the first drawing I drew in my sketch book.

I sourced the birds from a set of animal cards Kaylin found at a thrift store. I meant to finish the scene, but inevitably left it as is (as regrettably became a running theme among my first set of drawings). One of the pelicans has a really sinister look on it's face which I really enjoy. The duck has a bit of a shadow under it but the swans don't... oh well, they look like pelicans and a duck: mission accomplished.

I drew this picture with and number 2 pencil.

Blake Betteridge.

1 comment:

cayliedawn said...

ooo! i like the sinister pelican too!